


第二个因素是独特的价值效应。一般来说,与其他一些产品相比,购买者对具有独特价值的产品不那么敏感。当分析任何产品的价格敏感性时,这是最重要的因素之一。考虑产品应该是完全独特的这一事实是非常重要的。如果产品有一些或其他独特的功能,它的价格可以保持高(Benito & Partal, 2014)。这就是为什么营销人员花费越来越多的钱来证明他们的产品与市场上的其他产品是不同的。因此,独特的价值影响形式是影响价格敏感性的最重要因素。例如,特斯拉汽车开始成为行业中最成功的汽车,因为他们能够证明自己的独特性,他们有独特的汽车,如电动汽车,这是成本和环境有效。因此,即使价格很高,也不会因为产品的独特性而影响销售。阿联酋航空就是一个例子。即使阿联酋航空的成本比较高,人们一般还是倾向于使用这家航空公司,因为乘客在阿联酋旅行时享受的独特价值。

影响价格敏感性的第三个重要因素是转换成本效应。当涉及到产品转换的成本时,不同的购买者通常对价格不那么敏感。例如,许多移动电话服务提供商可能会要求用户签订一份为期12个月的合同,一旦用户做出选择,合同就会锁定用户。这一因素在某些行业中可能是重要的,在这些行业中,消费者可能不得不经历一份合同或协议(Goldsmith & Newell, 1997)。


影响价格敏感性的第四个因素是比较效应。一般来说,如果产品的供应商是一个大品牌,不同的客户对价格不那么敏感。例如,Apple I手机的受欢迎程度和销量是一致的,不管它的价格如何。这是因为苹果是世界上最受欢迎、最可靠的手机销售商,在消费者心中有着巨大的影响力(Han et al., 2002)。因此,即使Apple I手机的价格很高,消费者也可以因为它的品牌价值而购买它。同样,阿联酋也被评为世界前5大航空公司之一。由于比较效果的不同,这家航空公司的需求高,而不是价格高。

第五,影响价格敏感性的下一个因素是价格质量效应。如果购买者对产品的价格在很大程度上不那么敏感,那么更高的价格可能意味着更好的质量。例如,如果一个独家产品有更好的质量,人们会想买一样。它对价格敏感性的影响较小。这是因为人们通常寻找价格较低但质量较高的产品(Lewis & Shoemaker, 1997)。同样的例子包括高质量的独家产品。例如,当人们不得不比较旧的电视机和新的智能电视机时,可以观察到价格质量效应。与旧式电视机相比,现在的智能电视机要贵得多。然而,由于新电视机的质量和特点,它们受到了人们的普遍喜爱。



The second factor talks about the unique value effect. In general buyers are less sensitive to the products which have a unique value in comparison to some of the other product. This is one of the most important factors when the analysis of price sensitivity of any product is done. It is very important to consider the fact that the product should be completely unique. If the product has some or the other unique features, its price can be kept high (Benito & Partal, 2014). This is the reason why the marketing people spend more and more amount to prove that their product is different for the other products which may be there in the market. Thus, unique value affects forms to be the most important factor as it impacts the price sensitivity. For example, the Tesla cars begun to be the most successful cars in the industry because they were able to prove their uniqueness that they have the unique cars such as the electric cars which are cost and environment effective. Therefore, even when the prices are high, it does not impact its sales because of the uniqueness which the product has. The example is of Emirates Airlines. Even if the cost of the Emirates airlines is quite higher, the people generally tend to travel by using this airline because of the unique value which the customers enjoys while travel in Emirates.

The third important factor affecting price sensitivity is switching cost effect. The different buyers are generally less sensitive to the prices when there are costs involved in case of switching of the product. An example is that many mobile phone service providers may ask the user to get in a 12 month contract which can have an effect of locking the consumers once they have made the choice. This factor may be important in some of the industries where there may be the probability that the consumer may have to undergo a contract or an agreement (Goldsmith & Newell, 1997).


Fourth factor effecting price sensitivity is the difficult comparison effect. In general, the different customers are less sensitive to price if the supplier of the product are a huge brand. For example, the popularity and the sales of Apple I phones are consistent irrespective of its prices. This is because Apple is the most popular and most reliable mobile seller in the world and it has a huge impact in the minds of the consumers (Han et al., 2002).Therefore even if the Apple I Phone has a high price, it can be bought by the customers because of its brand value. Similarly, the Emirates are rated as among the top 5 airlines in the world. Because of the different comparison effect, this airline has a high demand instead of its high price.

Fifth, the next factor affecting the price sensitivity is the price quality effect. If the buyers are less sensitive to the price of the product to a large extent, a higher price may signal a better quality. For example, if an exclusive product has a better quality, the people would like to buy the same. It will have a lesser impact on the price sensitivity. This is because the people usually look for the product at a lesser price but at a higher quality (Lewis & Shoemaker, 1997). An example of the same includes the exclusive products which have a great quality. For example, the price quality effect can be observed when the people have to compare between the old TV sets and the new smart TV Sets. The smart TV in the present times is much more costly in comparison to the old style TV Sets. However because of the quality and the features of the new TV sets, they are loved by the people in general.

Sixth, expenditure effect is another factor which may have an impact on the price sensitivity. This is because the buyers in general are much more sensitive to the prices if the expenditure is larger. For example, the people are much more sensitive to the prices whenever there is higher expenditure. In case, the buyer is looking to buy the home and they will be very much sensitive to the prices. This factor will have a large impact on the price of the products because the people would be very much concerned whenever they are buying a home. Further, there is an importance of the expenditure effect related to the product and the need to have an impact on the price sensitivity. Most of the companies ask their employees to travel in Emirates Airlines, as they are not very much concerned with respect to the price.