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喜达屋通过并购寻求战略方向。万豪国际集团(Marriott International)最初向喜达屋提出了一份优厚的报价。然而,即使两家公司开始进行广泛的谈判,也存在一个小小的障碍(Nyitray 2015)。中国酒店集团安邦保险集团(Anbang Insurance group Co .)希望拥有喜达屋,以便通过收购将其亚洲业务扩展到北美和西方部分地区。在猝不及防的情况下,万豪大力发展喜达屋,大幅增加了原有产品(舒尔茨2016年)。然而,围绕收购的所有兴奋情绪都突然消失了,中国监管机构禁止安邦进一步收购。整个事件的结果是,万豪支付的价格超过了最初的出价,喜达屋股东成为了这一突然发展的快乐赢家。


Background: What is corporate strategy? This is defined as the ability of some companies to succeed while peers fail. The success of such winning companies rides on four strengths – Attractive market choice, better play of resources and capabilities as against competitors, well-articulated strategy formulation and strategic implementation.

Strategy Purpose

Starwood sought strategic direction through merger and acquisition. Marriott International pursued Starwood with an initial handsome offer. However, even as the companies got around to extensive talks, there was a minor obstacle (Nyitray 2015). A Chinese hospitality group, Anbang Insurance Group Co, wanted to own Starwood, so that it could expand its Asian footprints into parts of North America and western properties via an acquisition. Being caught off-guard, Marriott hotly-pursued Starwood by increasing its original offering substantially (Schultz 2016). However, all the excitement around the pursuit had a sudden-death, with Chinese regulator forbidding Anbang from further forays. The whole playout of events saw Marriott paying more than it had originally offered, with Starwood shareholders the happy winners of the sudden developments.

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