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这篇文章强调了澳大利亚的奶业是如何导致大量碳排放的。使用非奶牛场生产的替代奶,如豆奶,将是一种更健康的替代奶。在这方面,有关于环境和动物福利的行为守则,问题证明是没有效力的,因此需要立法形式的政策。政府应该介入这些问题,因为奶牛场产业是一个价值130亿美元的农业产业,它为澳大利亚的农场、制造业和服务业提供了大量就业机会。大约有6400个主要奶农,平均每年生产92亿升牛奶。该行业本身雇佣了大约43000名澳大利亚人在农场从事乳制品加工(dairy Australia, 2014)。鉴于奶牛场产业对澳大利亚经济的贡献是巨大的,任何形式的影响都会对澳大利亚经济产生影响。即使在制定环境和动物福利的规则时,政府也有必要进行干预,并提出一种更为平衡的方法。


奶农行业不断加剧的市场和利润率波动被视为一个问题。澳大利亚在全球乳制品生产中的竞争地位因此受到威胁,为了让当前的农场主实现投资回报,他们有必要利用日益增长的需求。然而,目前澳大利亚的市场在很大程度上是放松管制的,政府对市场的介入只是为了确保质量和食品安全的保证(Dairy Australia, 2014)。现在,采用替代牛奶生产的主要变化,或者对牛奶生产采取更环保的替代方法,可能意味着产业界需要一些时间来平衡自己。国际舞台上日益增加的要求可能得不到满足。只有政府通过政策和法规的干预来支持这一变化,这个行业才有能力改变、增长和维持下去。


The article highlights how the Diary farming industry in Australia results in much carbon emission. The use of a non-dairy farming alternative for milk such as that of soy milk would be a healthier alternative. In this context having codes of practices for environmental and animal welfare, issues are not proving effective, so policies in the form of legislation are required. The Government should intervene into these issues given that the Dairy farm industry is a thirteen-billion-dollar farm industry and supports much of Australian jobs on farms, manufacturing and in service sectors. There are around 6,400 major dairy farmers who produce on an average around 9.2 billion litres of milk a year. The industry itself employs around 43,000 Australians on farms in dairy processing (Dairy Australia, 2014). Given that the contributions of the dairy farm industry to the economy of Australia are significant, any forms of impact on the industry would have an impact on the economy. Even when imposing rules for environmental and animal welfare, it is necessary for Government to intervene and propose a more balanced approach.


Increasing levels of market and margin volatility in the Dairy farm industry are seen to be a problem. Australian competitive position in global dairy making is threatened as such and in order for the current farmers to realize their return on investments, it would be necessary for them to capitalize on the growing demands. However, the market of Australia is largely deregulated at the moment and Government involvement in the market is only to that extent to ensure quality and food safety assurance (Dairy Australia, 2014). Now a major change made towards adopting alternative milk production, or alternative more environmentally friendly approaches towards milk production might mean that industry would take some time to balance itself. Increasing demands in the international arena might not be met. Only if there is Government intervention to support this change by means of policies and regulation, will the industry be able to change, grow and sustain.

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