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顾客满意一直是每个组织,尤其是快餐中心,所追求的目标之一。然而,由于客户偏好的变化以及需求的增加,客户满意度是实现的关键方面之一(Rhee & Rha, 2009)。除此之外,餐饮业也面临着激烈的竞争,顾客对服务标准和食品质量的期望也越来越高。营销者已经投入了大量的资金来创建和支持品牌形象,因为品牌能够在餐厅营销中获得重要意义。麦当劳投资于强大的品牌营销,通过有效的营销吸引顾客。他们以优质的服务赢得了忠实的顾客。如果顾客对服务质量感到满意,他们很可能成为品牌忠诚,这也增加了保留率(Jang, Olfman, Ko, Koh, & Kim, 2008)。因此,本研究选择顾客满意度与顾客忠诚度之间的关系作为研究对象,因为这种关系将使营销者获得竞争优势。另一方面,麦当劳是最成功的快餐连锁餐厅,采取各种政策、策略和程序来让顾客满意。






由于顾客满意和顾客忠诚之间的关系是显而易见的,组织不仅想要保持顾客对产品和服务的满意,而且要努力使他们忠诚(Qin & Prybutok, 2009)。

服务和产品质量、满足客户需求、客户拜访频率、客户支持团队效率、就餐环境是影响客户满意度的几个主要因素(Han & Ryu, 2009)。

顾客在第一次购买产品或服务后,如果他们的期望得到满足,他们很可能会感到满意。这种表现有潜力发展忠诚的客户对品牌。基于客户忠诚度,组织能够获得竞争优势,这将使他们从其他市场参与者中脱颖而出(Prybutok & Qin, 2008)。


Customer satisfaction has been one of the major aspects that every organization has been aiming to gain, especially the fast food centres. However, customer satisfaction is one of the critical aspects to achieve because of the changing preferences of customers and their increasing demand as well (Rhee & Rha, 2009). In addition to this, restaurant industry is not free from extensive competition and increasing customer expectations regarding the service standards and quality of food. Marketers have invested lump sum amount to create and support the brand image as branding enables in gaining significance in the marketing of restaurants. McDonalds invested in the marketing of strong branding which attracts the customers through their effective marketing. They made brand loyal customers through their excellent service. If the customers feel satisfied with the service quality, they are likely to become brand loyal which increases the rate of retention as well (Jang, Olfman, Ko, Koh, & Kim, 2008). Thus in this research study, the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty has been selected to investigate on as this relationship will enable the marketers in gaining competitive advantage. On the other hand, McDonalds is the most successful fast food chain of restaurants that undertakes various policies, strategies and procedure in making the customers satisfied.


To investigate the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

To identify and analyze the major factors that influence customer satisfaction.

To investigate the impact of customer loyalty on gaining competitive advantage.

Project Deliverables

Since the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is evident, organizations want to keep their customers not only satisfied with the products and services but also strive to make them loyal (Qin & Prybutok, 2009).

Quality of service and products, meeting the demands of customers, frequency of the customers visit, efficiency of customer support team, dining environment are a few of the major factors that influence customer satisfaction (Han & Ryu, 2009).

Customers after first purchase of a product or service are likely to be satisfied if their expectation is met. This performance has potential to develop loyalty customers towards brand. Based on customer loyalty, organizations are being able to achieve competitive advantage which will enable them to stand out from other market players (Prybutok & Qin, 2008).

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