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Apple I-phone 7s RTM的第三个步骤是制造和组装。公司的所有产品都是在和硕、富士康的中国工厂生产后组装的。这个地区是由国家选择的,因为它提供了更廉价的人力,而且生产速度非常快,而且产品的灵活性也很强(克里斯托弗,2016年)。然后将产品运往欧洲和美国的公司配送中心。在零售商订购该产品之前,该股票会被储存。制造一款I-phone 7手机的总成本是每单位210美元,但该产品的售价不低于800美元(Abbey et al., 2017)。然而,该公司却忘记承认其工厂内制造和组装的恶劣环境。公司的品牌价值从此降低。

RTM的下一个阶段是分布。在正式推出该产品之前,该公司的产品从中国工厂运往世界各地的分销中心(Couper, 2007)。这使得该产品能够到达澳大利亚、中国、英国和美国。在分配给零售商之前,股票在分销中心的时间并不长。我的手机产品价格高,重量轻,给公司带来了很大的利润空间。这是因为该公司不使用海洋运输工具来运输需要更多时间的产品。


The third step in Apple I-phone 7s RTM lies in the process to manufacture and assemble. All the products of the company are assembled after manufacturing at the Chinese factories of Pegatron and Foxconn. The region is selected by the country because it offers cheaper man power and the production is very fast at a major scale along with flexibility in the product (Christopher, 2016). Then the products are shipped to company distribution centres which are present in Europe and US. The stock undergoes storage till retailers are ordering the product. The overall cost of manufacturing an I-phone 7 to the company is 210 dollars for each unit but the product is not sold any less than 800 dollars (Abbey et al., 2017). The company, however, has forgot to acknowledge the poor environments within its factories where manufacturing and assembly are done. The brand value of the company gets decreased henceforth.

Next stage in the RTM is distribution. Prior to formally unveiling the product in front of the market, the company products get shipped from the Chinese factories to the centres of distribution across the world (Couper, 2007). This makes the product to reach Australia, China, UK and US. It is not for long that the stocks remains in the distribution centres before being distributed to the retailers. High price and light weight of I-phone product reaps major margins for the company. This is because the company does not use the medium of sea to transport its products which takes more time.


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