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越南丛林在战争期间充满了不祥的威胁。士兵们被要求向丛林中运送大炮和重型物资。士兵们对扛着沉重的装备扛着沉重的装备的前景感到恐惧,因为在战争期间,每个士兵都有许多负担。“他们都带着鬼魂”(O ‘ brien 10)。通过越南危险而危险的丛林,士兵们被发现携带重型设备和某些个人物品,这些物品是他们的任务所要求的。吉米·克罗斯中尉随身携带着信件、照片和一些他所幻想的女人(玛莎)之前送给他的小物件。他深爱着玛莎,由于这种感情,他的状态很恍惚。这种爱的情感是所有带着十字架旅行的士兵所知道的(弗农171)。保护自己免受一些威胁。士兵们必须把身体和情感上的负担结合起来。由于士兵们的情感负担,他们似乎更重了。这增加了体重。蒂姆·奥布莱恩(Tim O ‘ brien)指出,携带重炮是一种微妙的形式,代表了士兵必须承受的情感负担。每个士兵都携带有象征意义的个人物品。


Vietnam jungles were filled with ominous threats during the war. The soldiers were made to carry artillery and heavy supplies into the jungle. The soldiers were terrified at the prospect of carrying lugging around heavy equipment when they had to There are many burdens that each of the soldiers had to deal with during the war. “They all carried ghosts” (O’Brien 10).Through the dangerous and perilous jungle of Vietnam, the soldiers are found to carry heavy equipment and certain personal items that they are required on their assignment. Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carries letters, photographs and a number of smaller items that the woman he fantasizes (Martha) had gives him previously. He has developed deep seated love for Martha and was in a trance like state owing to this sentiment. This sentiment of love is known to all the soldiers who were traveling with Cross (Vernon 171). protect themselves from a number of threats. A combination of physical and emotional burdens had to be carried by the soldiers. They seemed heavier owing to the emotional burdens encountered by the soldiers. This added to the physical weight. Tim O’Brien then articulates that carrying of the heavy artillery was a nuanced form that represented the emotional burdens which the soldier had to carry. Each soldier carried a symbolic personal items.

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