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在这篇文章中,来自不同社会的不同个体的饮食文化已被作为理解个体文化转变的手段。为了建立跨文化团队,识别文化差异非常重要,避免团队成员之间的误解,并与多文化团队有效地合作。 Trompenaars和Hampden-Turner开发了一种名为七种文化维度的模式,以帮助理解文化之间的差异。该研究试图监测个体的饮食习惯以及他们在跨文化社会中饮食习惯的变化。为了进行研究,采访了7个不同文化背景的人(Raybeck&Ngo,2011)。选择面试候选人的标准有两个标准,目前他们必须留在加拿大,他们必须是麦吉尔大学的学生。研究的重点是在学生离开原始文化并过上加拿大学生的生活时,食物与烹饪的联系。该研究试图了解学生打算保持的文化水平。

Trompenaars和Hampden-Turner发现,来自不同文化背景的人不仅仅是偶然的不同,它们在最具体甚至可预见的方面有所不同。背后的原因是,每种文化都有不同的思维方式,不同的价值观和信仰。除此之外,不同的文化在一系列不同的因素上有几个喜欢的地方。为了比较不同的文化,Trompenaars和Hampden-Turner设计了一个模型,比较了七个文化维度。七个维度如下:普遍主义与特殊主义,个人主义与社群主义,特定与弥散,中性与情感,成就与归属,随时间与同步时间,内部方向与外向。该模式有效地理解来自不同背景的人,从而有助于减少不同文化工作人员之间的误解并建立更好的人际关系。该模型对管理各种劳动力队伍最为有效(Van Hooft,2006)。该模型还强调,一种文化比其他文化更好或更差并不是必需的。


In this essay, food culture of different individuals from diverse society has been taken as a means in order to understand the cultural shift of an individual. It is important to recognize the differences between the cultures in order to build a cross-cultural team, and avoid misunderstandings among the team members and work effectively with the multi-cultural team. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner have developed a model named seven dimensions of culture that support in understanding the difference between the cultures. The research study attempts to monitor the food habits of the individual and the changes of their foods habit in cross-cultural society. In order to conduct the research, seven individuals with different cultural backgrounds are interviewed (Raybeck & Ngo, 2011). Two standard criteria have been applied for selecting the interview candidates, presently, they must stay in Canada, and they must be students of McGill University. The focus of the research study is on the connection of foods and cooking as the student left their original culture and lived a life of students of Canada. The research attempted to understand the level of culture the students intend to keep.

Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner discovered that the people from the diverse cultural background are not just haphazardly dissimilar from each other; they differ in most specific and even predictable way. The reason behind this, each culture has different way of thinking, different values, and beliefs. Besides these, different cultures have several liking places on a range of different factors. In order to compare different cultures, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner design a model, where seven cultural dimensions have been compared. The seven dimensions are as follows: Universalism vs. Particularism, individualism vs. communitarianism, specific vs. diffuse, neutral vs. emotional, achievement vs. ascription, following time vs. synchronous time, and internal direction vs. outward direction. The model is effective in understanding the people from different backgrounds, thus helping in reducing the misunderstandings between the diverse cultural workforces and building better relationships. The model is most effective for managing a diverse group of workforces (Van Hooft, 2006). The model also focuses that it is not essential that one culture is better or worse than the other culture.


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