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阿尔莫伊纳考古中心(西班牙巴伦西亚)自1985年以来一直守卫着在巴伦西亚进行的考古发掘工作。自1985年以来,人们发现了几座不朽的遗产建筑、铭文、1000多枚硬币和500件精美的陶瓷作品。这些不朽的杰作包括伊斯兰阿尔卡扎尔(Alcazar),第一个热热之城(共和国),罗马帝国的残余,殉难以及维兹哥特时期的圣公会地区。巴伦西亚大教堂的建立可以追溯到1238年10月9日,当时圣玛丽大教堂在一座清真寺被供奉。巴伦西亚大教堂装饰着使徒的哥特式门;章·霍尔和米卡莱特,在《圣杯》里,是叶斯在庆祝他最后一次传球时用的杯子。圣杯被宣布为“圣杯圣年”。这座大教堂以其杰出的画作闻名于世,其中包括埃尔南多(Hernando de la Almedina y de Llanos饰)、维森特·马希普(Vicente Macip)、维加拉(Vergara)、卡马隆(Camaron)、飞机(Planes)、玛拉(Maella)和戈雅(Borgia Chapel)。大教堂的博物馆是赏心悦目的。La Lonja de La Seda,丝绸交易市场和Ciutat de las Arts I les Ciences,一个由瓦伦西亚当地设计师设计的娱乐和文化综合体,圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦是这个目的地的美丽景点。巴伦西亚拥有巨大的海岸线,拥有世界上最美丽的海滩。瓦伦西亚的一些海滩包括艾德沃卡湾海滩,艾瓜布兰卡海滩,阿尔比尔海滩,阿尔费列塔海滩,阿尔库迪亚海滩,安博罗,阿姆伯利亚海滩和阿尔玛达海滩。海鲜饭是由米饭、蔬菜和肉组成的传统主菜,起源于巴伦西亚。除此之外,这座城市还有世界上最好的美食。巴伦西亚拥有巨大的流动性,并通过公共汽车运输系统,广泛的地铁系统,有轨电车和高速城际列车服务,公共自行车出租专用自行车道等建立了良好的可达性。


Valencia seems to be fitting satisfactorily on most of the parameters explained in the 6 A’s model. It is one of the few known destinations in the world that is growing its popularity among masses as a city of natural beauty and cultural offerings. Valencia is the third largest city of Spain and the 15th largest city in the European Union. The city life of Valencia is upbeat and modern. One can enjoy a walk through the River Gardens, sit at a cafe or explore the mountains and the beaches which are very close to the city. Valencia has sunshine almost throughout the year and is known for its beautiful heritage monuments and churches, extravagant cuisine and beautiful beaches.


The Almoina Archaeological Centre (Valencia, Spain) has guarded the archaeological excavations performed since 1985 in Valencia. Several monumental heritage buildings, inscriptions, 1,000 plus coins and 500 beautiful ceramic pieces have been discovered since 1985. The monumental masterpieces including the Islamic Alcazar, the first city (the Republican) of the thermals, the leftovers of the Roman Empire and martyrdom and Episcopal area from the Vizigothic stages. The foundation of Cathedral of Valencia dates back to October 9, 1238 upon consecration of the Cathedral of St. Mary from a Mosque. The Cathedral of Valencia beautified with the gothic door of the apostles; Chapter hall and Micalet, in houses the Holy Grail, the cup that was used by Yeses in the celebration of his last pass over. Holy Grail has been declared as “Eucharistic year of the Holy Chalice”. This Cathedral is famous for its extraordinary paintings by some of the finest artists of the world including Hernando (Yañez de la Almedina y de Llanos) Vicente Macip, Vergara, Camarón, Planes, Maella and Goya (Borgia Chapel). The Museum of the cathedral is a treat to the eyes. La Lonja de la Seda, the silk exchange market and Ciutat de las Arts I les Ciênces, an entertainment and cultural complex designed by a Valencia local, Santiago Calatrava are the beautiful offerings of this destination. Valencia has a tremendous coastline being home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. A few of the Valencia’s beaches include Advocat Cove Beach, Aigua Blanca Beach, Albir Beach, Albufereta Beach, Alcudia Beach, Ambolo, Amplaries Beach and Almardá Beach. Paella, a traditional main course comprising rice, vegetables and meat, had its origin in Valencia. The city has best of the worldwide cuisines to offer otherwise. Valencia houses immense mobility and has built up a good accessibility through public bus transport system, an extensive metro train system, trams and high speed inter-city train services, public bicycles for hire with dedicated bike lanes among others.

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