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东方学是Edward Said(1978)的一项有争议的重要研究。它研究了西方为了其自身的目的而对东方进行系统的误读的方式。赛义德的中心论点是,东方主义是福柯意义上的一种散漫的建制,具有长期的制度、想象和学术方面的功能。这倾向于将东方主义创造的从属他物归化。该理论在思想和话语维度的映射方面进行了全面的努力,遵循了传统的批判性评价的曝光(Said, 2000)。赛义德的中心论点是,东方主义或多或少是一个进行学者调查的领域。这描述了一种基于认识论和本体论的东西方差异的思维方式,以及一种与东方打交道的企业制度。

毫无疑问,在东方主义史学研究中,东方主义的意义超越了狭隘的边界(Haldrup et al., 2006)。对发展政策和文化理论表现出浓厚兴趣的学者们,在该理论发表后仍在争论不休。


The key focus of this essay is to assess the relevance of Said’s theory of Orientalism to understand contemporary geographical imaginations. The theory will be explored to probe the discussions on Orientalism, referring to the theoretical work of current geographical accounts. Several different aspects of the theory will be understood for considering the re-conceptualization of imaginative geographies. Even if “geopolitics”, as a term, cannot be defined easily, in this essay the key specification will be practicing the political cultures and intellectuals of statecraft. This will provide meaning to the global politics and place their state across the interstate system. Thus, the overall scope of geopolitics holds the requirement for examining state cultural background and their mechanisms through which there is global construction.


The Relevance of Said’s Theory of Orientalism

Orientalism is a controversial and important study by Edward Said (1978). It researches the ways in which there has been a systematic misrepresentation of Orient by the West for its individual purposes. The central argument of Said is that Orientalism is a discursive establishment in the sense of Foucauldian, with the long functioning of institutional, imaginative and academic aspects. This tends to be naturalizing the subordinate other of Orientalism created. The theory puts in a comprehensive effort of mapping the ideological and discursive dimensions followed by the tradition for the exposure of critical evaluation (Said, 2000). The central argument of Said is that Orientalism is more or less a field conducting scholar investigation. This depicts a style of thought on the basis of an epistemological and ontological differentiation made among the Occident and the Orient, along with a corporate institution to deal with the Orient.

There is no doubt about the significance of Orientalism extending beyond the narrow borders across the historiographic studies of Orientalism (Haldrup et al., 2006). Scholars showing interest in development policy and cultural theory still debate upon the theory after it was published.

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