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管理一词的定义是管理人员和资源在一个商业组织中,以有效和高效的方式进行协调活动的过程,以实现业务目标和长远的目标(Miles, 2012)。这篇文章将批判性地讨论在当今的现代组织中进行管理的最佳方式。被批判性讨论的两种主要方法是科学管理方法和权变管理方法(Witzel & Warner, 2013)。这两种方法都是粉笔和奶酪,但不能忽视的管理组织在当今时代的技术进步,这篇文章已经进行了批判性的讨论。基于这两种理论,本文探讨了在现行管理体制下,只有一种最佳的管理方式。


要了解现代组织中管理的现状,明确管理理论是非常重要的。本文的讨论首先围绕着对这两种理论的解释展开,让读者理解这两种理论的重要性。科学管理是一种古老而又根深蒂固的管理方法在世界各地的组织(Burke, 2012)。它是由Fredrick Taylor (Schein, 2011)提出的。与权变理论相比,权变理论是管理层基于组织中发生的或有事项而使用的一种当代方法(Miles, 2012)。科学管理方法是一种非常定制的方法,它基于组织中使用科学技术的先前活动(Witzel & Warner, 2013)。Taylor也被认为是科学管理之父,他认为完成一项任务的最佳方式是通过科学的方法,这也是形成分工、管理决策和将工作设计从工作执行中分离出来的原因(Miles, 2012)。科学的管理被用于通过在两端的有效和高效的绩效为雇主和雇员带来更好的财务状况(Robbins, 2012)。


The term management is defined as managing people and resources in a business organisation to carry out the process of coordinating the activities in an effective and efficient manner so as to attain the business goals and objectives in the long run (Miles, 2012). The present essay is going to critically discuss the best way in which the management can be carried out in the present modern organisations. The two main approaches that have been critically discussed are the scientific approach of management and Contingency approach of management (Witzel & Warner, 2013). Both the approaches are like chalk and cheese but cannot be neglected by the management of an organisation in the present era of technological advancements and same has been discussed critically in the essay.The essay dwells into the discussion that there can be only one best way of management based on these two theories in the present management systems.


In order to understand the situation of the management in the present modern organisations the clear understanding of the management theories is very important. The discussion in the present essay initially revolves around the explanation of the two theories to make the reader understand the importance of both. The scientific management is an oldest yet deep rooted management approach in the organisations across the world (Burke, 2012). It has been formulated by Fredrick Taylor (Schein, 2011). In comparison to this contingency theory is a contemporary approach used by management on the basis of the contingencies arising in the organisation (Miles, 2012). The scientific management approach is a very tailor made approach based on the preceding activities in the organisation which uses scientific techniques (Witzel & Warner, 2013). According to Taylor who is also regarded as the father of scientific management, the best ways to perform a task was through scientific methods and was also the reason behind forming the division of labour, management decision making and splitting the job design from job execution (Miles, 2012). Scientific management was used in bringing about better financial position for both employer and employee through effective and efficient performances on both the ends (Robbins, 2012).

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