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直升机式教育是指在孩子的教育、课外活动、社交和家庭生活上盘旋。这是一个术语,用来表示父母对孩子成长的作用。这得到了一些人的赞扬。直升机式父母的角色是关于对孩子生活中可怕后果的恐惧。它被用来让一项特定的工作看起来很糟糕。这是一种焦虑的感觉。经济、就业和世界的宏观环境趋势可以促使父母督促孩子更加努力地学习(McGinley, 2018, p. 104)。有些成年人觉得自己在儿童时期被忽视或忽视,往往会过度补偿自己在儿童中的角色。他们试图沉迷于过度的关注和监控。其他影响是来自其他父母的同辈压力。当父母看到这些过度参与的父母时,他们也会做出类似的反应。此外,他们可能会被内疚感驱使,成为这些动力中更大组成部分的一部分。





直升机式教育的主要问题在于,它往往适得其反。有很多信息导致了孩子们的过度参与(Kouros et al., 2017, p. 940)。孩子们逐渐形成了一种意识形态,认为父母不信任我,导致他们缺乏自信。在学校和以后的进一步学习中,他们将无法自信地与成年人建立新的联系和建立信任。这将导致孩子成长为内向的成年人,他们将无法发展在现实世界中生活的应对技能。这将对参与这个过程的所有人造成损害。


Helicopter Parenting is about hovering over the child educational, extracurricular, social and home life. This is a term which is used to denote the role of the parent on the growth of the child. This is been praise by some people. The role of the helicopter parenting is about the fear of dire consequence in the life of the child. It is used to make a particular job appear disastrous. It is a form of feeling anxious. The macro environmental trends of economy, job and the world can make the parents push the children to work harder (McGinley, 2018, p. 104). Some adults who felt neglected or ignored as children tend to overcompensate their role with the children. They try to indulge in excessive attention and monitoring. The other impacts are the peer pressure from other parents. When parents see these overinvolved parents, they can trigger similar response. In addition, they can be driven by guilt to be a part of the larger component in these dynamics.

The purpose of this analysis is to critically analyze the role of helicopter parenting for the millennial.

Advantages of Helicopter Parenting

Disadvantages of Helicopter Parenting

They start to own the individuals and they try to protect them. They tend to forget that they will need to lead independent life in the future. These individuals as children need to face some of the modern contemporary challenges which in many cases will not exist in the previous generation. This in itself will cause the parents to feel a sense of anxiety. These factors will cause the following detrimental impacts. It is important to address these issues and create concrete solutions. These are detailed below.

Decrease in Confidence and Self-assurance:

The main issue with the helicopter parenting is that it is seen to backfire a lot of times. There are a lot of message which causes the over-involvement of the kids (Kouros et al., 2017, p. 940). The children develop into the ideology into adults that the parent does not trust me and cause a lack in confidence. In school and for subsequent further studies, they will not be able to have the self-assurance to form newer bonds and to develop trust with the adults. This will cause the children to develop into introverted adults who will not be able to develop the coping skills of living in the real world. This will cause detriment to all of the people who are involved in the process.

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