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在交互式系统开发过程中记录和跟踪设计决策是本研究的主题。一个交互系统被定义为一种按时间顺序排列的解决方案计算系统,其中互操作被认为涉及很多的用户交互(Johnson et al,2000)。在这个系统中可能存在互联的媒体和互动技术,从键盘,视频,触摸屏,鼠标等一般媒体到任何地方都可以。使用这个系统是有优点的,但是在设计状态下,为了使它们成功,必须考虑交互设计的许多问题。只有当不同的团队在开发过程中以更协调一致的方式进行决策时,大多数使用该系统的专家才能真正地整合起来(Shneiderman,2010)。设计决策的记录和跟踪系统将根据一些现有的启发式方法进行开发,或者可以根据工作场所的研究成果开发,以便在工作场所满足何种形式的生产率和效率统计。这是必要的,因为更多的用户设计团队可能会有不同的意见,他们的集体意见可能是非常有帮助的。现在,交互设计是一个以用户为中心的研究课题,其重点是如何把媒体的有意义的沟通理解为以人为本,以技术为媒介的协作互动过程。交互设计理论和决策建立在对用户理解的基础上。以用户为中心是用户交互,反馈和参与决策的必要条件。交互设计的真正目的是让机器与人们更好地交流,为此设计人员通常会处理来自设计者的一系列复杂的输入信息,以便如何实现这一点。因此复杂度增加。


Recording and tracking design decisions during interactive system development is the topic of this research. An interactive system is defined as the class of chronological solutions computational systems where the interoperations are seen to involve much user interaction (Johnson et al, 2000). There could be interconnected media and technology for interaction in this system, ranging anywhere from common media such as the keyboard the video, touch screen, mouse and more. There are pros to using this system, but in the design state there are many issues of interactivity design that has to be considered in order to make them a success. Most of the pros in using the system are actually integrated properly only when different teams come together in a much more coordinated way in decision-making during the development (Shneiderman, 2010). A recording and tracking system for design decision making would be developed based on some existing heuristics or it could be developed based on the research studies in the workplace on what form of productivity and efficiency statistics need to be met in the workplace. This is necessary, as more user design teams might have different opinions as such and their collective opinions could be very helpful. Now, interactive design is a user oriented study topic where the focus is on how to understand the meaningful communication of media as a collaborative and interactive process between the people as actors and technology as the medium. Interaction design theory and decision making are built on the basis of understanding the users. The user centricity is what necessitates the user interaction, feedback and be more involved in decision-making. The real purpose of interaction design is to let the machines communicate better with people, and for this the design usually handles a complex array of inputs from the designers on how this can be achieved. Hence complexity increases.

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