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非甾體類抗炎藥是一類被發現是有效的COX抑制劑的藥物。COX酶基本上分爲兩組。COX酶在花生四烯酮生物合成途徑中起着重要作用。它們在前列腺素的形成中起着核心作用。當炎症活動引起組織損傷時,身體自然產生前列腺素。這是身體對不利條件作出反應的自然過程。非甾體抗炎藥,如布洛芬、非諾洛芬、酮洛芬和氟比洛芬,基本上停止了這些酶的功能,以減少炎症,並具有解熱活性。它們與COX酶的活性位點結合,阻礙底物的活性結合。這一作用機制被發現是相似的,但藥物之間有一些差異。布洛芬對人體的副作用最小,非諾洛芬的藥效最小,氟比洛芬的藥效也很高。除此之外,酮洛芬被發現對抗緩激肽活性非常有用。這類藥物的不良反應主要是噁心和潰瘍(Scheiman, 1994)。這些藥物有多種商業形式,並且被監管機構認爲是安全的。




大多數COX抑制劑被發現是非甾體抗炎藥(NSAID)。已經發現這種布洛芬、酮洛芬、非諾洛芬和氟比洛芬具有止痛作用(Bjorkman, 1999)。它們通常被發現作爲一種非處方藥來治療疼痛,甚至發燒。這是一種很容易獲得的普通藥物,它有一個複雜的途徑。這些發現是有用的情況下,有炎症或發燒的條件。然而,實際上市場上有許多這類藥物。布洛芬與人體之間存在許多複雜的代謝網絡(Hawkey, 1999)。從根本上說,它是通過減少引起身體炎症和疼痛的激素來起作用的。除此之外,它還被證明會對身體產生有害的副作用。他們被發現增加心臟病或消化性潰瘍的可能性(Mehallo, Drezner, and Bytomski, 2006)。這些有害的副作用被發現是最壞的情況。對大多數人來說,這些藥物不會對身體造成任何重大損害。已經發現這種藥物具有COX抑制劑的功能,可以減輕身體的疼痛。市場上已經發現了許多與這種成分相似的不同種類的藥物。氟比洛芬、非諾洛芬、布洛芬和酮洛芬是市場上著名的非甾體抗炎藥(Harel, 2004.)。人們發現,它們的作用機制和藥效有一些細微的差別。下面的分析詳細探討了COX抑制作用的分析和描述。



Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drug is a class of drug found to be effective COX inhibitor. COX enzymes are fundamentally classified into two groups. COX enzymes play an important role in the Arachidonic biosynthesis pathway. They play a central role in the formation of prostaglandin. The body produces prostaglandins naturally whenever inflammatory actions cause tissue damage. This is a natural process in which the body reacts to adverse conditions. NSAID such as Ibuprofen, fenoprofin, ketoprofin and flurbiprofen essentially stops the function of these enzymes to reduce inflammation and has antipyretic activities. They bind to the active site of the COX enzymes and impede the substrate active binding. This mechanism of action is found to be similar with some differences between the drugs. Ibuprofen causes minimal side effects to the body, fenoprofin is found to have minimal potency and flurbiprofin is considered to have high levels of potency. Apart from this, ketoprofin is found to be very useful for antibradykinins activities. Adverse effects of this class of drugs are mainly nausea and ulceration (Scheiman, 1994). These drugs are commercially available in a number of formats and are deemed safe by the regulatory organizations.


Cox Inhibitor, NSAID, Ibuprofen, fenoprofin, ketoprofen, flurbiprofen


Most of the COX inhibotors are found to be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It has been found that this ibuprofen, ketoprofen, fenoprofin and flurbiprofin functions as painkiller (Bjorkman, 1999). They arenormally found as an over the counter drug to deal with aches, pains and even pyretic conditions. This common drug that can be obtained easily and it has an intricate pathway. These are found to be useful in cases where there is inflammatory or feverish condition. In reality however there are a number of types of such drugs are available in the market. There are many intricate metabolism networks that the Ibuprofen reacts with the body (Hawkey, 1999). Fundamentally it works by reducing the hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Apart from this it has also been shown to cause detrimental side effects to the body. They are found to increase the likelihood of heart problems or peptic ulcers (Mehallo, Drezner, and Bytomski, 2006.) These detrimental side effects are found to be the worst-case scenario. For the majority of the people these drugs do not cause any significant damage to the body. It has been found that this drug functions as COX inhibitors and reduces pain in the body. There have been a number of different kinds of drugs similar to this composition that has been found in the markets. Flurbiprofen, Fenoprofen, ibuprofen and Ketoprofen are the well-known classes of NSAID in the market (Harel, 2004.). It has been found that there are some small differences in their mechanism of action and in the potency of the drug. Detailed analysis and descriptions of the COX inhibition has been probed in detail in the analysis below.

Purpose of this thesis is to analyze about the mechanism of action of the drug and to understand how the function as effective COX inhibitors. For this purpose the prostaglandin biosynthesis pathways has been considered. In this review there will be analysis and investigation done about the drug, chemical composition of the drug and also will look at the mechanism of action of the drug. Critical analysis will be done based on the different pathways and the various discoveries that have been done for the drug.

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