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本文的主要內容是講網絡媒體如何推動道德恐慌的,這本書更像是一個批判性的討論,作者在書中展示了互聯網作為一種流行媒體是如何推動道德恐慌的,尤其是在兒童問題的主題領域。扭曲索賠會對兒童保健服務產生影響(Clapton et al., 2013)。當代通信技術使世界成為一個互聯的空間,但在互聯過程中也存在許多值得注意的問題。每個人心裡都有一個問題:這些連接造成了多少問題?正如我們在這項研究和之前的一些研究中所看到的,問題開始於罪犯如何像其他人一樣上網。本篇功課代寫文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The work is more of a critical discussion one where the authors present how the internet as a popular media seems to be driving moral panics especially in the subject area of child issues. Distortion claim can have an impact on child health care services (Clapton et al., 2013).Contemporary communication technologies have made the world a connected space, and yet in its connections, there are many issues to notice. The question on everybody’s minds are how many problems the connections have caused. Now as seen in this research work and some of the previous research works, the problems start because of how criminals are online just as others.
The notions of criminology, child protection and more are still applicable rules. Moral panics once again become a form of concern more than any other. Therefore, the work is important to know that communication technologies carry the same problems as traditional communicative spaces.
This research is particularly useful because of how it shows that media induced panics have a history. The problem the research focuses on are child issues. Now with the advent of the internet, it could be said that the plus points of the web technology motivated many more urban legends. The urban legends were mostly for the middle-class parents and users of the web. Such moral campaigns organized by parents have to be understood in more focused settings. Such issues of urban legends and claims making will destroy the hope for child adoption and protection, as social services will be unduly influenced.

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