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自从公营和私营企业的管理程序和组织结构发生根本变化以来,已经将近十年了。通过调整人力资源(HR)的角色、结构和功能,对这些变化做出了部分反应,这进一步反映了技术的发展,特别是在通信和信息方面(郑,2010)。企业的人力资源是由在组织中工作的员工组成的。重要的是要注意,人力资源对于在必要时创造或汇集物质资源并使其在有关组织中可用是至关重要的。随着商业环境和公共政策的变化,雇主和雇员之间的关系发生了重大转变(Wright, 2007)。因此,人力资源管理被认为是一门规范劳资关系的学科。作为一门学科,人力资源管理和人力资源有助于处理跨组织的许多问题。然而,这一学科需要考虑几个因素,如公共政策、组织政策、文化、领导力等内部因素(Thompson, 2011)。

这篇文章的重点将继续放在人力资源是一个不同的学科的程度和什么范围的人力资源专家需要在管理水平。从这个角度,本文将着眼于寻找人力资源对组织有效性和运营盈利能力做出全面贡献的基础。这篇文章将用几个例子来支持这个论点。本文的范围在于定义人力资源管理及其覆盖范围,以说明人力资源管理如何集成到组织的战略、运营和实践中。范围将进一步表明人力资源活动和人力资源本身之间的整合(Boxall et al., 2007)。人力资源的专业知识与盈利能力之间的关系,以及其活动的有效性将进一步描述。


It has almost been a decade since fundamental changes took place in the management processes and the structures of the organizations in public and private industries. There is a partial response to these changes by adjusting the roles, structures and functions of Human Resource (HR), which further reflects the evolution of technologies, specifically in terms of communication and information (Zheng, 2010). Human Resource of a business enterprise is a composition of employees working at the organization. It is important to note that human resource is crucial for creating or bringing together materialistic sources as necessary, and making them available in concern with the respective organization. With changes in the landscape of business and in policy of public, there has been a major transformation in the relationship between the employer and employee (Wright, 2007). Hence, Human Resource Management is perceived as a discipline for formalizing labor and industrial relations. As a discipline, human resource management and HR help in dealing with a number of issues across organizations. However, this discipline requires the consideration of several factors such as public policy, organization policies, culture, leadership and other internal factors (Thompson, 2011).

The focus of this essay will remain on the extent to which HR is a different discipline and to what range is HR expertise needed at the managerial level. From this perspective, the essay will look at finding the basis over which HR makes complete contribution to organization effectiveness and operation profitability. The essay will make use of several examples in order to support the argument. The scope of this paper lies in defining HRM and its coverage in order to illustrate how HRM is integrated within strategy, operations and practices in organizations. The scope will further indicate the integration between activities of HR and HR itself (Boxall et al., 2007). The relationship drawn between expertise of HR and the profitability as well as the effectiveness of its activities will further be depicted.

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