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纹理嫁接是通过3D和2D处理将一种材质的纹理转换成另一种材质的过程。格雷格林恩表示,该技术扭曲和抽象内在的材料质量,并指向在物质起源和综合表达的识别之间的替代生产和应用。工艺啤酒厂和多边形建模软件Autodesk Mudbox的内部改造正在用于雕刻数字模型。它由粮食,米饭或木材等材质纹理的详细照片制成。在大型面板中,纹理以3D薄层浮雕的形式绘制在数字模型上。啤酒厂内部是另一种抽象纹理移植的矢量线图中的详细材料照片,切入模板并用于指导重点涂料在平坦墙壁中的应用(Taylor&Jahn,2014)。



Texture grafting is the process to transfer the textures of one material into the other through 3D and 2D processes. Greg Lynn stated that the technique distorts and abstracts the inherent material qualities and pointing towards the alternative producing and applications between recognition of the material origins and synthetic expression. The interior renovation for the craft brewery and polygon modeling software Autodesk Mudbox is being used to sculpt digital model. It is made from the detailed photographs of the material texture such as grain, rice or wood. The textures are painted on the digital model in 3D thin layer relief in the large panels. The brewery interior is another type of abstracts textural grafting detailed material photographs in the vector linework that cuts into the stencils and used to direct the application of the accent paint into the flat walls (Taylor & Jahn, 2014).

There are different applications along with the suspended wood ceiling such as reddened, highlighted gold and charred presenting different expressions of materials such as the wood. The gastro pub, an interior known as the Marq, uses the stenciling process for the application of aggregate adhesive mixture and application of paint. The natural materials project is defamiliarized in the abstracted textures series that retained some familiarity elements. The materiality is being established through the unnatural copies series that maintain the quality of the original absent. The play between extraordinary/ordinary, synthetic/natural and analog/digital challenges provides the understanding of categories and experience with the cultural meanings.

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